Week of 8/10 - 8/16/20

This will be a fun week with some different movements than you have seen! You’ll get a little bit of running again, some upper body, some core, and some lower body explosive work. You will have a longer EMOM as well that will help you build up some more aerobic capacity and stay mentally tough!

Weekly Overview:


Run + Double Unders + Beast Makers + Core

Today will begin with a longer chipper workout with three different movements. It starts out with a 400 meter run, that’s followed up with a large amount of double unders, then beast makers, then bear crawls finally finishing with a final run. Try to really push the double unders and that final run here!

Part B will be just one quick kiss set of core work. Try to work through this with perfect technique, that is key in building a strong core!


Push Ups + Plank + Backwards Run + Power Cleans

Part A will begin with upper body strength building with push ups and planks. This starts with push ups at a tempo, then holding a plank, and then finishing with 30 seconds of max rep push ups.

Part B is going to be a fun different kind of workout with something that you may have never done, backwards running. You will run backwards for 100 meters and then perform 14 - 20 power cleans depending on the weight you are using. You will take a short rest between each round and then repeat for as many rounds you can achieve in the 16 minutes


Burpees + Swings + Squats + Shoulder to Overhead

Today’s workout consists of a longer EMOM. These can be challenging mentally and physically. They are long and drag on but just stay focused on the minute you are on and complete that work. Try your best not to think of what’s ahead this can easily get to you mentally and defeat you! Go hard each minute and try to maximize the amount of rest you get!


Skater Jumps + Broad Jumps + Sprint + Lunges + Seal Walks + Extensions + Curls

Today you will get a little bit of everything! Part A will start with some explosive power output in all directions - laterally with. The skater jumps, forward with the broad jumps and then forward again with the sprints. Don’t take it easy on the broad jumps! Try to jump as far as you possibly can every time!

Part B is a “for quality” piece but will be done in a certain time domain. You should have plenty of time to complete the work within the time domain. The reason for this is to keep you still moving somewhat quickly but with the intent of focusing on perfect technique. You should have enough rest so that each set should be able to focus on moving perfectly!

RED Friday

Jack Staley

Alex Cecala