Week of 3/2/20 - 3/8/20

Monday begins with overhead squats working up to something relatively heavy for two reps. This will be followed up with a couplet of rowing and power snatches that leaves you nowhere to hide. Tuesday starts with building up to a 10 rep max bench press. The workout is a quick 7 minute AMRAP with ascending reps of toes to bar and shoulder to overhead. Wednesday is two conditioning pieces back to back one is more of a power output based one with the bike and cleans while the other one is a death by. Thursday is a lot of rowing with some gymnastics mixed in. RED Friday is “Brian.’

Overhead Squats + Row + Snatch + Bar MUPs

Monday will start with tempo overhead squats building to something relatively heavy but the main focus is sticking to the tempo. If you can not maintain the tempo do no increase weight. Be sure to hit full depth on the overhead squats. If you cannot properly perform overhead squats do front squats with the same tempo and in between work PVC overhead squats. Be careful when lowering the weight back onto your back!

Part B is a two part workout involving rowing and power snatches on the first part you will then get a rest and move into hang snatches and with bar mups or chest to bars. The goal here should be a steady pace that allows you to pick up the barbell without excessive rest. The weight should be light enough that you can cycle it if you wanted to. It may be wise to break the bar muscle ups here into strategically smaller sets.

Bench Press + Toes to Bar + Shoulder to Overhead

Tuesday starts with bench press working up to a 10 rep max. Try to have a number in mind that you want to hit and if you get there and 10 reps are easy add a little bit more weight and give it another go. As you are building up in weight you do not need to do 10 reps every time. After you find your 10 rep max you’ll perform one drop set at 80-85% for another 10 reps

Part B will be a fun short 7 minute AMRAP with ascending reps of toes to bars and shoulder to overhead. This has the ability to feel like an open workout. 7 minutes goes by quickly. The main priority should be to limit your rest. And ideally go unbroken for as long as possible on the barbell and take smart breaks on the toes to bar.

Bike + Cleans + Wall Balls + Box Jump Overs

Wednesday is another two part workout the first part is a power output based workout with bike sprints and cleans. The bike should be a very hard sprint and the cleans can be power or squat. I have some suggested loads for the cleans but feel free to go heavier or lighter. The cleans should be challenging by the third and fourth set.

The seconds part of this workout is a death by with wall balls and box jump overs in the same minute. The reps will each increase by 2 each minute so this will get very real very fast. If you have done death by workouts before you should know what this will entail.


Row + Push Ups + Dips

Thursday is a longer workout with rowing and different types of upper body pushing variations. The main priority today is sticking to the standards of all the push ups and staying consistent on the rows. You should aim to keep each row within 3-5 seconds of each other. Don’t go until failure on any of the gymnastic movements its a lot of reps so it might be smart to break it up early and often and keep moving through it.

RED Friday is “Brian”