6/15/20 - 6/21/2020

Weekly Intent:
This week will begin with a different kind of workout combining an AMRAP with for time workout using the same movements. Tuesday you will be working on building upper body pressing strength and that will be followed up with an all out sprint workout. Wednesday will be a long chipper so get ready to control your breathing and pace yourself. Thursday will focus on a bit of grip and strength work using a single dumbbell or kettlebell. Your RED Friday workout this week is “Dee”.

Weekly Highlight:
The highlight this week is Monday’s workout. You will be asked to push the pace in a 7 minute AMRAP performing goblet squats and burpees over your weight. The reps will start out modest enough at 3 of each but the next round they will increase to 6 of each, then 9, etc.. each movement increasing by 3 reps until time runs out. Once the 7 minutes is over you will get a short rest and then take on a for time work out where you will work backwards from wherever you left off. Your goal should be to try to complete this in under 7 minutes. This may seem daunting at first because the reps are so high and you are already fatigued but take it a little slower at the beginning and then begin to push as the reps begin to look more manageable.

Weekly Overview:

Goblet Squats + Burpees Over Weight

You will be asked to push the pace in a 7 minute AMRAP performing goblet squats and burpees over your weight. The reps will start out modest enough at 3 of each but the next round they will increase to 6 of each, then 9, etc.. each movement increasing by 3 reps until time runs out. Once the 7 minutes is over you will get a short rest and then take on a for time work out where you will work backwards from wherever you left off. Your goal should be to try to complete this in under 7 minutes. This may seem daunting at first because the reps are so high and you are already fatigued but take it a little slower at the beginning and then begin to push as the reps begin to look more manageable.

Tempo Shoulder to Overhead + Pike Press + Shuttle Runs + Jumping Air Squats

Today will begin with upper body pressing strength work. Part A will start with tempo shoulder to overhead with a main focus on the eccentric portion of the lift. This means to make sure you lower the weight slowly! You will rest 30 seconds and then begin a 30 second max rep set of pike presses or if you are at the field and can handstand walk you will do a max distance walk.

Part B is a full blown burner! Shuttle sprints and jumping air squats combined to make your legs scream but you have to push it here. The runs cannot be slow you need to dig deep and make it hurt for just a few minutes if you want to finish this one. Trust your fitness here. I have faith in you.

Thrusters + Snatch + Double Unders + Run + Carry + Lunge

Only one thing on the menu today but it's a long one. Today will be a great day to work on pacing and controlling your breathing. Don’t get pacing twisted with going slow, it is more about knowing when to push and how hard and when to back off a bit in order for you to be most efficient. I will urge you to push the double unders! When you get fatigued on double unders you will likely just trip up anyway so you might as well try to push them.

Deadlift + Clean + Shoulder to Overhead

Today will mainly be all about building some grip strength as well as total body strength. Your goal should be to hold onto the dumbbell for the whole time which I’m sure many of you will be able to do. If your dumbbell is very light I want you to perform a strict press for the shoulder to overhead. This may have a slight DT feel to it for those of you that have done that workout before.

Air Squats + Hand Release Push Ups + Burpees + Run

Your RED Friday workout this week is “Dee”. Everyone should be able to perform this workout whether you’re at home or at the field, if you cannot run, perform 2 minutes of jumping jacks. Please do not cheat on the hand release push ups, only your chest should be touching the ground, even when you lift your hands up off the ground. Your thighs should not be! Unless you are modifying in which case that is fine

Alex Cecala